Canvas Printing


We only use what we believe to be the best techniques, materials, and equipment to create a supreme gallery-finish. All canvases are printed and stretched in our local Brunswick East studio and supplied to clients throughout Australia. We operate the latest Canon Pro-6000, using genuine Canon inks and archival canvas to produce vibrant, high-definition canvas prints we know you’ll love!

Why Printing on Canvas?

Canvas prints are a really great way to add beauty and colour to your home. They are durable, easy to care for, and incredibly beautiful. There are tons of companies out there that claim to have the highest quality products, but how do you know you’re truly getting a quality, long-lasting piece? While a cheap canvas print may seem appealing at first, saving that money up front will influence the lifespan and quality of your print. Many of the cheaper brands won’t have the staying power or the beauty of real archival prints.